We are Exponents

EXPONENTS is a nonprofit organization located in the heart of New York City compassionately dedicated to serving those impacted by HIV/AIDS, substance use, incarceration, and behavioral health challenges. We deliver these services through a client-centered, strength-based approach which greatly improves health outcomes and promotes overall wellness in our communities.

Treatment & Recovery

EXPONENTS' treatment and recovery services begin with recovery for individuals still incarcerated as well as those re-entering society. EXPONENTS provides a wide range of treatment and self-care services that assist with recovery and build self-management skills for those with HIV, managing addiction, poverty, or housing instability.


A crucial aspect of recovery and success is education and learning tools for chronic condition management and wellness. At EXPONENTS we provide group education and counseling that ranges from healthcare enrollment to an 8-week course on substance use.

Professional Training

Once participants are stabilized, EXPONENTS helps to provide further professional skill development training to provide opportunities for careers and employment. Through the EXPONENTS Center for Personal and Professional Development we offer a number of pathways to careers in the substance use treatment and recovery field.

Our Impact & Metrics

30 years

We continue to work for our communities.

11000+ Graduates

Participation is completely voluntary.

88% Satisfaction

Exponents participants described themselves as extremely satisfied with services received and felt welcome and comfortable in the program.

75% Graduation Rate

Our innovative model programs inspires our graduates to succeed.


“I was a breath away from committing suicide. In my desperation, I called Exponents. My life has turned around completely. I feel more grounded, more self-assured. I feel connected. Geez, I am even a Peer now at Exponents. Life is great!"

Jonathan G.

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